
Get Up Offa That Thing.. Dance Till You Feel Better

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Super quick update!!

So this blog won't be as fancy.. fun.. or as long as my others.. only because I'm on my phone keying this up and don't have the patients.

But I did want to part an update for those following my journey so you know where I'm at!!

Things in our house got a little crazy!

We weighed in for our diet bet back on April 16th/17th. On the 16th I was feeling pretty defeated because I wasn't there yet.. ((I had been REALLY good with food and exercise)) but found out I had 48 hours to report my weight. On the 17th I was still struggling in the early AM.. but walked and managed to weight in under my goal and get it submitted before work! Fast forward.. we both completed our goals, under weight, and won our bets!!! So we signed up for another one before our cruise.

Then...... I got what I believe to be food poisioning. It. Was. Miserable.
It lasted almost a full week. So almost an entire week of barely eating.. and when I did, it was like... 1 full meal that day. So it was a challenge. We had so much going on though, that I couldn't stop life! So I had to carry on.

Things finally started to calm down...... And my husband ((Corey)) broke his ankle. Such a terrible, unfortunate situation. Things again were put on hold. We didn't have time to deal with things. He can't drive right now.. he couldn't go on his trip this weekend to LA.. And I've been taking care of him... My wife duty! I'm not complaining by any means. He didn't want this to happen. It's a sad event. He didn't deserve this... But here we are! So.. we're dealing! We're a team.. and I'm happy to do whatever I can to help and make him comfortable.

Today, along with getting his car from his work, picking up a scooter to make his life easier and hanging out.. I was finally able to get some groceries to hopefully help set us back up for success.

I've mostly maintained my weight... around the 33lbs down mark... So, I'm at ease knowing that even though I'm not being the best version of myself or making the best decisions, I'm still doing okay.

Once I get back to the grind I know I'll feel much better.

Life is just starting to get busy again... So I know I need to get into a routine before it eats me alive!!

But I just wanted you to know.. I'm here. I'm in a challenging situation right now.. but it wouldn't be us if we weren't going through SOMETHING, right?!!!!

Thank you all, so very much, for being such an amazing support system.

I'll be back at it in no time.

About 33ish lbs down!


love to all

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