
Get Up Offa That Thing.. Dance Till You Feel Better

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Attempting time on me...

I've battled with my weight most of my life... Its not something I'm proud of, but I live my life day to day best I can without it trying to control me.

Theres very many things I need to change, and do differently, but sometimes its hard to get out of those every day bad habits that you create for yourself. How do you stop doing something thats so easy to continue.

I've so far this week, tried to control what I drink.. I havent consumed pop since Wednesday 7/25.. and I dont plan on drinking it for a very long time. I've managed to drink a lot more water in the process, which oddly enough I very much enjoy the taste of it. I have found with myself I will drink pop after pop and let it replace my water intake drastically. Therefore the best way for me to control the water, is to drop the pop completely.

I've also tried to cut out fastfood. Such a bad thing for you- but guess what.. its fast. I work back to back jobs usually atleast once, sometimes twice a week. To get from one to the other within an hour, while having a chance to change sometimes doesnt give me a good oppertunity to grap something good for me. I need to figure out how to do better for myself.

I'm working on controling my money better- which will also help if I'm not out buying food all the time. I'm not trying to defend my weight or say that its not my fualt. I clearly have some serious problems with myself, and my weight. Its unfortunate as well, because I do believe I'm a very kind hearted, beautiful person. I just need to change a lot of my fualts, and as soon as I can. I keep going through problems with my health, that I see- but the doctors never seem to think I have a problem.

I'm afraid of having heart problems, diabetes, blood issues, ect. and so far- I've lucked out and havent had any issues. but it can only go so long before it'll catch up to me, and I'll be in a world of hurt.

I need to start with self control. Bettering myself every day. Taking control of myself, and my life.

Thanks for listening.


Jessica said...

Yay, I love blogs! Following :] Good for you for making a change!

Larissa said...

Thanks jess!! I'm going to work REALLY hard on updating as much as possible.. I might even track myself.. if I get ballsy enough.. but I'm a little ADMITTING too self-concious about doing that... we'll see... maybe I will for myself, (or send to you, life we talked about) ..and then when I actually see some results that I'm proud of, I'll actually post them...

Jessica said...

Hey, sometimes if I am too embarrassed to write it down for others to see, I write it for myself so I can hold myself accountable. I keep a little note pad with me and write everything down that goes in my mouth (including water). You need to write to down, bites, tastes and licks as well... you will notice you will take less of these if you write them down. I have fallen off the wagaon, again, but only did for like 2 weeks so I woke up this morning and made a healthy breakfast and I'm about to pack up my healthy snacks and lunch for work. Here's a water hint... drink half of your body weight in oz. For instance, if someone weighs 200lbs they should drink 100oz. Also, make sure you are eating a protein, carb and fat with every snack and meal... but remember, fruits and veggies is where you should get your carbs from. Yogurt, cheese, nuts, lean meats should be your protein and fat. I feel like I'm lecturing you lol... but in reality I'm reminding myself as well :] Best of luck!

Larissa said...

Dont feel like your lecturing me!:) I need it!!! I need all the help and support I can get!!! Its hard! Its not easy when all this bad stuff is around you. Its hard when you think about it being a "life changing" thing, and not just a temp. idea until the weight is gone.
I was writting one last night, and my mom is like "dont babble.. dont ramble.. people dont want to read that".. and I thought- well, their reading my blog. which means their gonna read what I type. Plus, in the long run- it might help them...
Thanks for taking the time to help me! :)

Jessica said...

You're very welcome! I think I might actually start writing on my blog again, thanks to you! See, you've inspired me :]