Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
This is hard for me.. because I know when I'm eating something I shouldn't.. I know when something isn't good for you, or when something is... but its hard for me to wrap my mind around a complete change.
I hate having to let go of so many good things... I'm a very picky eater to a point. I've been trying, but I can't say I've been trying my HARDEST. Which is upsetting to myself, because I know I could do much better then I have been.
Part of my mindset, is I know vacation is going to be a little rough to keep track on. I know we wont be eating out the whole time, or eating junk, but at the end of the day, its very hard to eat 100% healthy. So I've been thinking "I'll just do whatever til I get back, and then I'll buckle down." NO! I cannot think like that.. that's horrible.
I know I have so much more potential then I lead on.
I have to start the "job hunt" again after I get home from Florida... I need to find a position in a company that I'll be planning on staying with for a long while, and helps me be more stable. Right now I make enough to get by.. Pay the bills, and be done. I need to do more then just get buy. I cannot make a life with where I'm at right now.
I don't want to sound as though I blame my unhealthiness or my eating habits on the every day stresses of life, because I don't. but it sure is hard to be happy in life, when not all of your angles connect in the right place.
It will happen for me, I know it will. Soon everything will click into place. I'll find somewhere that makes me happy. Where I know when I put in all this energy into a job, its actually being recognized for what it is. Where I wont be as stressed, and things will come easy. (hopefully!)
I'm so excited for this vacation. Florida for a week. Boyfriend for a week. No work, for a week! I haven't spent much time with Corey lately because our schedules are just so off, but I'm so glad I get to have this much needed time with him! (and his family, of course!) :) Disney World is going to be a blast!!!
I'll update more when I get back from our trip. I'll let you know how the eating went. and how things are going to whip into shape when I get back. That includes maybe getting a gym membership or figuring out a schedule to go out and get some exercise.
Have a GREAT week!! :)